75 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Job Seekers

By Mukund - Author 20 Min Read

Use These Chat GPT Prompts to Seek Help with Job Advice, Writing Resumes, Cover Letters, Changing Jobs, Analysing the Job Market and More.

Are you sick of putting out job applications and not getting any responses? It can feel like the job market is a maze you can’t get out of.

You change your resume and cover letters and send out applications, but you’re still not getting the job interviews you want.

You may not know how to write a standout resume or cover letter. Or perhaps you’re worried about what to say during an interview.

The process is frustrating and scary, but don’t worry!

In this detailed guide, we’ll show you how to move closer to getting your dream job. We will look at some of the best ChatGPT prompts covering job search, job descriptions,  job interviews, and more that can help you get a better job.

Why Use ChatGPT As a Job Seeker

An AI generated image of a guy sitting for job interview
An AI generated image of a guy sitting for job interview. Credits: Lexica

So, you might wonder, “What is ChatGPT, and how can it help me in my job search?”

Well, ChatGPT is a handy tool that acts like a smart friend who’s really, really good with words. If you’ve been struggling with your resume, cover letter, or even preparing for job interviews, ChatGPT can be a great help.

For instance, it can help you draft a cover letter highlighting your skills in a way that’s easy to understand but also sounds professional. It’s like having a personal job coach but without the high cost.

Not only that, but ChatGPT can also help you practice for interviews. You can ask it questions you think you’ll face in an interview, and then see how it answers. This can give you ideas on how to phrase your answers.

Imagine going to an interview and feeling like you’ve been there before. That’s the confidence ChatGPT can help you build.

But that’s not all. Even when you get a job offer, and you’re not sure what to do next, ChatGPT can assist.

It can help you understand job contracts and even give tips on negotiating your salary. You can learn these life-changing skills by just talking to this tool.

Of course, ChatGPT is not a replacement for accurate human advice, but it’s a super tool that can make your job search way more accessible.

So why not try it and see how it can make your path to a new job smoother and less stressful? With the prompts in this guide, you’ll get a lot of help, and, hopefully, a new job too!

ChatGPT Prompts for Job Seekers

Getting a job can be challenging because there are many complicated obstacles at every turn. There are many things to consider when writing your first resume, getting ready for nerve-wracking interviews, or planning a job change.

These ChatGPT prompts are meant to be your career coach, giving you advice and ideas that are specific to your position as a job seeker.

So, let’s start.

General Resume Building

"Summarize my work experience listed on my resume in one paragraph."
Example of resume description with a ChatGPT prompt
  1. “Review my resume and suggest changes to make it more suitable for a position as a [job title] at [company].”
  2. “Summarize my work experience listed on my resume in one paragraph.”
  3. “I want to emphasize my [specific skill] in my resume. How should I phrase it?”
  4. “What are some action verbs that I can use to describe my responsibilities in my previous job?”
  5. “Highlight any jargon or complicated language in my resume that might be confusing to recruiters.”

Do not forget to check out our guide on writing a resume with ChatGPT.

Creating Cover Letter

Creating Cover Letter with ChatGPT prompts for job seekers
  1. “Write a sample introductory paragraph for my cover letter for a [job title] role.”
  2. “I have difficulty expressing my enthusiasm in my cover letter. Can you help?”
  3. “Review this cover letter and tell me if it aligns well with the [job title] position I’m applying for.”
  4. “List questions that a well-crafted cover letter for [industry] should answer.”
  5. “Provide me with a closing statement for my cover letter that leaves a strong impression.”

Job Interview Preparation

Job Interview Preparation ChatGPT prompt for job seeker
Prompt Used: “I have an interview for [job title]. What are the key points I should discuss?”
  1. “I have an interview for [job title]. What are the key points I should discuss?”
  2. “Mock interview me for a [job title] position. Provide feedback on my answers.”
  3. “I always get nervous during interviews. Give me some tips to manage my anxiety.”
  4. “What are some thoughtful questions I can ask the interviewer for a [job title] position?”
  5. “Describe the STAR method and how I can use it to answer behavioral interview questions.”

Want a complete list of ChatGPT prompts to prepare for your job interviews? Check out this post: ChatGPT Prompts for Interview Preparation

Questions for Interviewers

  1. “I’m going for an interview at [company]. What questions should I ask to learn about their work culture?”
  2. “What are some questions that can reveal the management style of my potential new boss?”
  3. “Suggest questions to ask that will make me appear interested in long-term career growth at the company.”
  4. “What should I ask to find out about work-life balance at [company]?”
  5. “Give me questions that can help me understand the team dynamics at [company].”

Career Changes

  1. “I am transitioning from [Industry A] to [Industry B]. How should I address this in interviews?”
  2. “What are some transferable skills that could help me move from a role in [Industry A] to a role in [Industry B]?”
  3. “How can I phrase my experience in [Industry A] to make it applicable for a job in [Industry B]?”
  4. “I have a gap in my employment history. How should I discuss this during interviews?”
  5. “What are some questions I might face in interviews due to my career change from [Industry A] to [Industry B]?”

Networking and Emails

  1. “Help me draft an email asking for an informational interview with someone in [industry or role].”
  2. “Provide a template for following up after submitting a job application.”
  3. “What should I include in a ‘Thank You’ email after an interview?”
  4. “I met someone at a networking event and want to connect on LinkedIn. What should I say in my request?”
  5. “How can I politely decline a job offer via email?”

Salary Negotiation

Salary Negotiation ChatGPT prompt
Prompt used: “Help me draft an email negotiating benefits such as remote work days or educational stipends.”
  1. “What are some tips for negotiating a higher salary for [job title]?”
  2. “Help me draft an email negotiating benefits such as remote work days or educational stipends.”
  3. “How should I approach asking for a signing bonus?”
  4. “Give me phrases to use when negotiating salary that show I’ve done my research.”
  5. “What are some common mistakes to avoid when negotiating salary?”

Remote Jobs

  1. “I’m applying for a remote position. How should I tailor my resume?”
  2. “What questions should I ask during an interview for a remote job?”
  3. “How can I convey that I’m disciplined and self-motivated, traits crucial for remote work, during an interview?”
  4. “Suggest ways to handle timezone differences when interviewing for a remote position.”
  5. “What should I look for in a contract for a remote job?”

Job Application Process

  1. “I’m not sure how to answer this question on a job application form: [Insert Question]. Could you help me with how to respond?”
  2. “How do I address a career gap in my job application?”
  3. “I have multiple part-time jobs. How should I list these on a job application form?”
  4. “What’s the best way to explain why I left my last job on a job application form?”
  5. “I’m applying for a job through an online portal that uses ATS (Applicant Tracking System). What keywords should I include for a [job title] role to get past the ATS?”

Job Search Strategies

  1. “I’ve been job hunting for months with no luck. Review my job search strategy and suggest improvements.”
  2. “I’m considering working with a recruitment agency. What questions should I ask them?”
  3. “How can I use LinkedIn effectively for job hunting?”
  4. “What are some lesser-known job search platforms suitable for [industry]?”
  5. “I want to work for [Company]. How can I get noticed by them specifically during my job search?”

Video Interviews

  1. “I have a video interview coming up. What technical checks should I perform beforehand?”
  2. “What body language tips should I keep in mind for a video interview?”
  3. “How do I tackle the ‘Tell me about yourself’ question in a video interview for a [job title] position?”
  4. “I’m not comfortable with video interviews. Could you provide some confidence-boosting tips?”
  5. “The video interview requires me to record my answers. How is this different from a live interview, and how should I prepare?”

Freelancing and Contract Roles

Freelancing Prompt
Prompt used: “What questions should I ask a potential client before taking on a freelance project?”
  1. “I’m considering freelancing. What skills should I focus on for my portfolio?”
  2. “How should I price my services as a freelancer in [industry]?”
  3. “What questions should I ask a potential client before taking on a freelance project?”
  4. “I’m applying for contract roles. How should my resume differ from one for a full-time position?”
  5. “What should I look out for in a contract for a freelance or contract role?”

Workplace Culture and Fit

  1. “I have multiple job offers. How do I evaluate which company culture would suit me best?”
  2. “How can I determine if a company’s values align with my own during an interview?”
  3. “What questions should I ask to understand the work-life balance at a potential job?”
  4. “I value diversity and inclusion. How can I assess a company’s stance on this during the interview process?”
  5. “I have specific needs for workplace accommodations. When and how should I bring this up during the job-seeking process?”

After The Job Interview

  1. “The interviewer hasn’t gotten back to me within the said time frame. How should I follow up?”
  2. “I got rejected from a job I really wanted. How should I respond to the rejection email?”
  3. “I got the job! How do I negotiate the terms of my employment contract?”
  4. “I’ve accepted the job offer. What’s the etiquette for informing other companies where I’m in the interview process?”
  5. “What steps should I take to prepare for my first day at the new job?”

Long-Term Career Planning

  1. “I’m not sure where I see myself in 5 years. Can you help me draft a career plan?”
  2. “How do I identify the skills I need to develop for long-term career growth?”
  3. “I’m interested in a managerial role in the future. What can I do now to prepare?”
  4. “How should I approach mentorship for career growth?”
  5. “I want to eventually move into [Industry/Role]. What’s the most effective way to pivot my career in that direction?”

ChatGPT Prompts for Job Seekers in Specific Interview Situations

  1. “I’m in the [interview round] for the position of [job title] at [company/type of company]. Given that the role involves [key responsibilities from the job description], what types of questions should I anticipate and how should I prepare my answers?”
  2. “I’m going to be interviewed by [role of interviewer] during the [interview round] for [job title] at [company/type of company]. Based on my experience in [your expertise], what talking points should I focus on to present myself effectively?”
  3. “I have a group interview coming up with [roles of your interviewers] for [job title] at [company/type of company]. Given that the role entails [responsibilities from job description], what group dynamics should I be prepared for and what types of questions should I anticipate?”
  4. “I’m scheduled to do a [case study/technical interview/edit test/presentation] in front of [role of interviewer] for the [job title] position at [company/type of company]. The task involves [describe the case study/technical interview/edit test/presentation]. Could you help me outline the key areas I should focus on to ace this part of the interview?”
  5. “I have prepared [describe what your answer will be] for a [case study/technical interview/edit test/presentation] as part of my interview for [job title] at [company/type of company]. What adjustments should I make to improve the impact of my presentation?”
  6. “I tend to get nervous/stutter/have [specific issue] during job interviews. Considering I’m applying for [job title] at [company/type of company], what actionable steps can I take to come across as confident?”
  7. “I am running late for my job interview for [job title] at [company/type of company]. Could you help me draft an email that professionally communicates this delay to the hiring manager?”
  8. “I have a virtual job interview for [job title] with [company/type of company]. Given that the role demands [key skills from job description], how should I set up my environment and what presentation tips can enhance my virtual presence?”
  9. “I was laid off from my previous job as [job title] at [company/type of company] and now I am interviewing for [job title] at [company/type of company]. How can I best explain this career gap while speaking to [role of interviewer], in a way that turns it into a positive?”
  10. “I have a two-stage interview for [job title] at [company/type of company]. The first stage is with [HR/Recruiter’s role] and the second stage with [Technical Interviewer/Manager’s role]. How should my approach differ between these stages considering my experience in [your area of expertise]?”

Dos and Don’ts of Using GPT for Your Job Hunt

Getting a new job is a big deal. So, you want all the help you can get, right? ChatGPT is a smart Ai tool. But like any tool, it’s good for some things and not for others.

Here’s a quick dos and don’ts to help you.


  1. Get Help with Ideas: ChatGPT can give you ideas for your resume or your job interview answers. It’s like having a smart friend you can ask for advice!
  2. Make Your Writing Better: If you’re not sure how to say something, ChatGPT can help make your words sound more professional.
  3. Learn New Stuff: You can ask ChatGPT about new skills that could help you in your job. It’s like a quick study buddy!
  4. Check Your Facts: Before you send off that resume or go to that job interview, use ChatGPT to help you double-check that all the facts and dates are correct.


  1. Don’t Let It Do All the Work: GPT is a helper, not a doer. You can’t just copy-paste what it says into your resume. That won’t sound like you!
  2. Don’t Let It Tell Your Story: Your job history is YOUR story. ChatGPT doesn’t know you. So, make sure you tell your own story in your resume and cover letter.
  3. Don’t Stop Learning: If ChatGPT helps you find a great way to do something, that’s good! But try to understand how it did it. You’ll learn more that way.
  4. Don’t Use It as Your Only Tool: ChatGPT is helpful, but don’t forget about other ways to find a job, like networking or talking to career counselors.

Bonus Tip: Be Careful and Honest

While ChatGPT is cool, it’s still just a computer program. Always double-check the tips and information it gives you. And always be honest in what you say on your resume or in a job interview.

FAQs: ChatGPT Prompts for Job Preparation as a Job Seeker

Can I rely solely on ChatGPT for job-seeking advice?

While ChatGPT can offer valuable insights and guidance, it should not be your only resource. Always consult experts or mentors in your field for personalized advice.

ChatGPT’s knowledge is updated up to September 2021, so some information may not be current. Always cross-verify the information you receive.

Is my data safe with ChatGPT?

ChatGPT does not store personal conversations, but you should still exercise caution and avoid sharing sensitive personal information.

The End!

This thorough list of ChatGPT prompts should help you find a job.

These prompts are your pocket-sized professional coach, always ready to assist you in improving your strategy, presentation, and self-confidence.

These prompts provide a complete guide to job-seeking for entry-level applicants and career changers.

You can also check out this video for more information on how you can use ChatGPT for job preparation:


Start a chat with ChatGPT to get your ideal job.

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By Mukund Author
Mukund Kapoor, the content contributor for Weam, is passionate about AI and loves making complex ideas easy to understand. He helps readers of all levels explore the world of artificial intelligence. Through Weam, Mukund shares the latest AI news, tools, and insights, ensuring that everyone has access to clear and accurate information. His dedication to quality makes Weam a trusted resource for anyone interested in AI.
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